Face 2 Face with Vivek Bajaj - E Learn Markets
We bring you Face2Face trading featuring Mr. Vivek Bajaj, co-founder, StockEdge, Elearnmarkets, and the expert guest Mr. Ankit Garg, who was also a part of the Face2Face Bangkok Conclave. Face2Face is a series of elearnmarkets, which was curated to enhance the knowledge of our learners with the help of stock market experts and big bulls.
In this video, our expert will talk about how to identify market regimes and explain the correlation between nifty and INR. And their strategy and how to implement this strategy to gain more returns and the secret of success.
CLICK HERE to view the latest signals as shown in the video.

Systematic USD/INR Trading - No Brainer Strategy - Part 1 of 2
This video is first part of a 2 part series on Systematic/Algorithmic Trading in USD/INR. In this part 1, I introduce the FX markets in Globally and India. I then introduce strategy kernels of two No Brainer Strategy that trade on Weekly and Monthly Options. One of them is Intraday and Other one is Positional.

Systematic USD/INR Trading- NEMESIS Strategy - Part 2 of 2
This video is second part of a 2 part series on Systematic/Algorithmic Trading in USD/INR. In this part 2, I provide a live follow up of strategy introduced in Part 1. Thereon I build a quantitative trading strategy(NEMESIS) from scratch and present it's performance and results over a period of 13 years.

Backtesting in TradingView and Double Decker RSI BankNifty Strategy
This video is an introduction to Pinescript(TradingView). It starts with introducing elements of programming and Pinescript.
It introduces a "Double Decker RSI Strategy" with clear Systematic Trading Rules and shows how to code an indicator and subsequent backtest for the strategy.
You can view and edit the source code of strategy by clicking here

Crypto Open Discussion
Join Decibel Capital in a Panel Discussion on evolving Crypto Space. Learn more about Bitcoin/Ethereum and other Cryptos. Trade or Invest in Crypto?

Backtests, Trading Picks & Fake Gurus
How are they rigged to fool you?
With Example of ITC Stock
In this video we talk about how various elements available in the markets are rigged to fool you - a common new trader/investor. We take example of #ITC stock to show how can you avoid those pitfalls.